Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Monday, December 22, 2014

Minority Blog 7

As senior year came, the search for colleges began. As I started to apply and visit certain universities, my mom began to explain that certain nationalities get in easier to colleges and get certain scholarships. 

I planned on visiting the University of Delaware and my mom and I took off from school just to see my first choice. We arrived to Delaware State University. As we walk in for our tour, it was just me, which seemed strange to my mom and I but we continued since it was a weekday. Walking throughout the campus, I seemed to be the only white person on campus which made me concerned since  I heard it was a well diverse campus. He began to explain how I was considered a minority and then it all clicked that we were at the wrong university. It felt nice to be a minority when I heard I will be receiving a full ride. 

It is unfair in which certain nationalities get privileges for certain colleges, when some have not even worked nearly as hard as other students. Just checking off a box that you are Spanish or African American should not allow you to have an easier chance of getting an acceptance letter to the school. Colleges are expensive and without a doubt it is truthfully unfair to someone like me who can't check a box having multi-racial background. Some Asians find it hard to even check off the box for IVY league schools since there are so many applying. 

While taking SAT and ACT tests, they make you check off what race you are. Truthfully, racial remarks will not end in our society if we continue to look at results by there race, all students should be held academically responsible. 

Targeted Ignorance #7

   Unfortunately I started this break with one of the most infuriating conversations of my life. What started out as my brothers friend and I having a surprisingly good (considering the outcome)political conversation turned into the clearest display of my frustration with general opinion that I can give. At first, we were agreeing on literally everything. Corporate greed, untrustworthy politicians, wealth gap, foreign policy, whatever. I was honestly happy to be having an informed political conversation with a college aged kid for once, it felt really good to be talking about something other than the meandering but fun guy-talk I normally have throughout the day. About an hour in, which was already sort of surprising that the conversation lasted that long, the attitude of the talk entirely changed. I'm pretty sure we were going back and forth on whether or not opening relations with Cuba would be a good thing, when the idea of race inevitably came up. This turned into a conversation that angered me so much I'm actually blogging about it to try to get over any lingering pissed off feelings.
   Basically, we were arguing whether or not white dominion is something that should exist. My argument was that the behavior of a lot of American black people, despite the reality of the problem, can be traced back to a systematic repression by the dominating whites. That basically, there's so much more to the issue than meets the eye, and that to correct it we all need to take a more enlightened standpoint and correct the problem at it's core, which is us. His standpoint, and what made me not want to live on this planet anymore, was that they deserve it. That this is the way they are because white people have proven superiority in every possible way. That if they were equal to us, they wouldn't live in poverty, wouldn't have been enslaved, wouldn't live in third world countries, and wouldn't have the highest crime rate in the country. It was put a lot more crudely but that's only partly the problem. And honestly, it wasn't just the ignorance of the opinion that pissed me off, it was the fact that this was a well-developed opinion, the kind you get after keeping it in mind constantly. And it's such a shame.
   The argument got heated and remotely personal. Everyone in the room capable of paying attention at all pretty much stood on his side or entirely out of the conversation. Given, I got way too angry, so it becoming heated was entirely my fault. But when it comes to something like this, a problem I feel extremely passionate towards and actually aspire to attempt to contribute to its solution in my lifetime, I couldn't help but want to fight when someone illustrates exactly what I'm against. In other words, even though my argument was attempting to stand from an enlightened position, my head wasn't whatsoever, and to most people I probably contradicted myself just from getting angry. But anyway, it lasted easily over an hour. But I learned a lot from it.
   There's a targeted ignorance when it comes to race. People entirely intelligent enough to be able to see the issue from an informed position willingly choose not to. They prefer the idea of a simple solution to a complicated problem. Its easier to blame them and put it out of your own hands than it is to blame yourself and actually have to put remote thought into the issue. This drives me literally insane. There is no such thing in this world as a simple solution to a complicated problem. If we look to actually achieve anything worthwhile in our lives, we have to embrace forward-thinking and not settle for bigoted "us-vs-them" mentality. And what drives me insane is that this is a concept many people are either unwilling or incapable of accepting. White superiority doesn't come down to "blacks are more stupider", it comes down to "We got the upper hand and kept it that way, and this is what happens when an entire race of people is systematically oppressed and forced into a position we can't comprehend". And which one of those is easier to digest. That's the problem. There's a targeted ignorance, and we totally accept it. We disregard the essential question of "why?" in favor of the easy solution of  seeing the world on a two dimensional plane. Because it's simpler. Because people are increasingly anti-intellectual. And it depresses me, honestly, that people who are fully intelligent enough to see into these complicated issues and draw beneficial and informed conclusions, just don't. Because there's a targeted ignorance.
   Maybe I'm naïve, maybe I'm too ideological to be remotely practical in the real world, a lot of you probably think I'm totally wrong,but I'm sorry, from any standpoint, justifying racism is poison to humanity. And if you're someone that does, I'm never going to agree with you. And I would like to hope that in time, we'll live in a more socially conscious world where subtle racism and hate is just as objectionable as actually using the word nigger. We're capable of it, if the opposition to it would end. Barely anyone is gonna read this so I'm fully aware this is my own venting session, but honestly, I see the behavior here so often that its a fully necessary vent to me. So on another level I know I probably sound really pretentious, but whatever. It needs to be said in my opinion. The world is an aggravating, nonsensical place once you start to see it


Blog 7

In Slumdog Millionaire Jamal and Salim grew up knowing nothing but poverty. But Salim took advantage at the first sight of money he had and started working for bad people doing terrible things, but how can you blame him with the childhood he had it probably felt good having money. On the other hand Jamal cared for nothing but Latika even when he had absolutely nothing all he wanted was her. He didn't even want to play the tv game show for money he just wanted Latika to see him on it. In the end he had Latika after a long struggle and Salim lost his life but now after the cruel behavior Salim has given on Jamal with Latika over the years is over. This movie showed me that with all the money in the world you may not be happy and Salim wasn't. Jamal on the other hand had nothing to give Latika but himself and they couldn't be happier.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blog #7

Slumdog Millionare was an eye opening movie that reflects poverty. It starts off by showing Jamal and Salims ,the main characters, life in India. They lived in the slums as orphans and had to work hard to stay alive after they met a girl named Latika. There life was never easy and it just shows how some people are forced to live. Unfortunately not everyone is as fortunate as us and aren't able to live in a stable home with a constant supply of food or be able to get a great education. After watching this movie it really made me realize how much people take for granted. Not everything in life is easy for everyone and just like in the movie you have to work hard to be able to succeed in life and be able to support yourself. Jamal never gave up on anything. He always had a job and kept looking for Latika until the end. He started off living in poverty and never took anything for granted in life. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Poverty in India Blog #7

   In the movie Slumdog Millionaire, it tells the story of two brothers and a girl. They faced many hardships throughout their life, and had to sacrifice many things to survive. they had to give up a lifestyle of having fun, and playing games, to stealing and killing. At first, when looking at the eldest brother, I thought he was selfish, selling his brother's autographed photo was not very brotherly of him, but the more i think about it, he had to do those things. Yes, he was selfish and should have confronted his brother but his family need money and when the older brother found an opportunity he took it. The brothers had two different personalities, one would do anything for a different life, even it meant stealing, killing, robbing etc. the other wanted to have a fair life where he could work for his money. Living in a pretty rich community you don't experience life like theirs. Where they might not be able to afford shoes, yet I own like 10 pairs. After the movie I researched Poverty in India and discovered many facts.
     Poverty in India - Statistics
  • 50% of Indians don’t have proper shelter;
  • 70% don’t have access to decent toilets (which inspires a multitude of bacteria to host their own disease party);
  • 35% of households don’t have a nearby water source;
  • 85% of villages don’t have a secondary school (how can this be the same government claiming 9% annual growth?);
  • Over 40% of these same villages don’t have proper roads connecting them. 
   Because of the lack of decent toilets it is estimated that 98,000 people in India Die from diarrhea each year. The children living in India is said that 46% below the age of 3 are too small, 47% are underweight, and 16% are wasted. Many girls are married off at a young age, and some become servants or prostitutes just to make money. 

Response to Slumdog Millionaire

          This week in class we watched Slumdog Millionaire and it was very eye-opening for me. The movie begins by showing us Mumbai, India and the immense poverty becomes apparent and almost unescapable. Seeing the way Jamal and Salim are living along with everyone in Mumbai makes me very appreciative of the life I have today. I strongly believe that everyone, including myself, take the little things for granted. We arrive home at our houses, with a roof, and go to our a PANTRY, which is filled with food. Having a roof and being able to select which type of food you want for a snack, that's a privilege. Impoverished people around the world dream of having a better life, we have the better life and we still dream for objects and materialistic items. Given this, I am determined to really appreciate the little things that I am privledged to have in my life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Van Gogh- Sorrow (1882)

Van Gogh fell in love with a prostitute named Sien Hoernik. She became a prostitute to provide for her family and put food on the table. She soon got pregnant and needed another source of income. Van Gogh paid her to mod for his paintings. He didn't have much money himself, but he made it work. She went and lived with him for a while, but after she had the baby she left him. The picture called 'Sorrow' depicts Sien showing devastation and distress from all the hardships she has gone through. He also doesn't add or subtract things from her image to make her look better. This chalk drawing, as well as others, showed the truth of how she looked with all of her imperfections. 

Met pictures

Sunday afternoon on the island of la grande jatte- Georges Seurat
The Actor- Picasso 
Self portrait with straw hat- Van Gogh

blog 7

Many immigrants fled their home countries to America in the hopes of following their dreams. To accommodate for the large population cities evolved into large crowded apartment buildings known as tenements. These inexpensive building were very small for an entire family and lacked the proper lighting, plumbing, and ventilation making the winters harsh and summers roasting hot. Many of these buildings also lacked the proper maintenance causing unhealthy conditions. This way of life was the perfect way for disease to spread. Even with all these horrible conditions about 2.3 million people were living in nyc in these tenements.Although these buildings provided people with a place to sleep it did not give them enough to live a healthy life. This way of life made America almost look like a third world country.

Met Trip Photos

Old Market Woman

Woman Asleep at a Table, Picasso

Jose Costa y Bonells(died 1870), called Pepito
                                           Wheat Field with Cypresses, Vincent Van Gogh

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Racism rant and a half (blog 7)

Racism is a problem still to this day. For those who disagree I am inviting you to read this blog post. Sure, we don't have minorities working on farms as slaves and a constitution that legally makes all men equal. But does that mean American citizens are not living through the terror of racism in their everyday lives? They still are. And it is a problem that needs to be addressed. Will we ever have a perfect world with egalitarian societies? Probably not unfortunately. But the racist beliefs and mind sets that people still hold onto need to go.

I've seen it time and time again, people less subjected to racism don't really care. They think it is no big deal to hold certain views and that racism isn't an actual concept, it's just an "excuse" that people use. That in a way is sickening. If any American of any color feels that they are being oppressed in any way don't they have a right to speak out against it? Also, by saying that a certain ethnic group uses it as an excuse is characterizing a whole population of individuals, which by itself is racist.

As I have these arguments with my friends, they all seem to like to shove little pie charts and data tables of which ethnicity or racial group commits the most crime or lives in most poverty, and that these statistics  are proof of their remarks. Holy racist. Characterizing all black people (for example) based on stats is completely racist. You cannot assume anything about someone based on their skin.

I guarantee if these people in class who think the victims of racism bring it onto themselves, were the ones being victimized, they'd change their tune. Who's to say anything when you aren't living in it? The upper middle class white teen from Manorville may not be the most reliable source when it comes to the effects of racism and whether they think it is a problem or not. (Which would also make my rambling useless however I am challenging the common belief I see from the majority of our classmates).

People think it is ok to be racist. There's no black people around so who cares what I say. What a stupid attitude. SO many people think they aren't racist yet SO many people are without realizing it. I hear it with my ears everyday just walking down the hallway.

I do not think the case of Erik Garner is a case of racism, as it is more so using excessive force by law enforcement. The Ferguson case I understand how that could fall under the reigns of racism. Maybe not. With this case we may never know what truly happened exactly, and that doesn't really matter because that young man lost his life. However I do absolutely hold this belief. Police officers hold certain degree of racism. If a white guy and black guy are both mysteriously walking down the street mysteriously, no doubt will most cops be more concerned with the black man instantly. If a black man and white man both reach for their pockets, the officer will feel more threatened by the black man. You can show me all these bar graphs saying blacks are more likely to be up to something, (even though that goes back to stereotyping and categorizing people because of the skin color they were born with), but then I will also show you statistics that explicitly display that more than any color, African Americans are stopped and questioned without any reasonable suspicion or probable cause, both legally and illegally frisked without suspicion and cause, and targeted for other minor offenses that can really be brought about on anybody. Are all cops racist, no way. But I do think absurd consensus beliefs are in the minds of enforcement officers. This is an issue that can't go without action being taken.

I don't really get people. That's what it comes down to. It's about to be 2015 yet we don't see everyone the same? Yeah, it so happens to be that in high crime areas/ low income communities are where some black people call their home. Does that mean they are bad people or should be subjected to jokes and harsh comments? Do sometimes they take desperate measures to take care of themselves and their family? If I was in their situation, I would do some of the same stuff that they are stereotyped for doing. People need to wake up, and realize that they're wrong and disgusting remarks and thoughts are doing no good and making things worse for the human race. It's not OK to think that white people are superior, or that Mexicans steal jobs, blacks deal drugs and kill people. I'm even laughing as I write this. Because it is a joke, people that aren't effected by racism are the ones that need to step in and make a difference with the situation, not think it's a waste of time that shouldn't be talked about. That's a selfish move.
The Pakistan taliban is a group who have conducted numerous attacks against the pakistani government , they were quick to claim the attack on a military run school. The attack killed at least 145, a majority being students. The Taliban are opposed to western equation and said it was revenge for the killing of hundreds of innocent tribesmen and their children during a recent offensive by the Pakistani military. School shootings no matter where they are hit home because of americas unfortunate past with them. It is unsettling how many occur each year. It is a tragedy that these innocent Pakistani children were murdered over something government related, the worst part is the terror group will not stop there. It is sickening how they are proud to claim these murders. Why are children now being brought into the cruelties of war when they are mostly too young to even know what is going on.  This is also the same group that admitted to shooting teenage girl Malala Yousafzai, a young female human rights advocator for going to school when it was at time banned in her town and for also posting blog posts speaking out against the Taliban. I believe that this organization does not have any limits and need to be stopped before they take any more innocent lives.

College cost & interest rates

The cost of a college education today is ridiculous , especially considering that the weight a degree carries has greatly decreased. Not only has the average price of a four year college doubled since 1985, but amount college debt has also passed our nation’s credit card debt. Student loan interest rates have already risen this 2014 2015 school year. We are borrowing more to pay for college as the cost increases substantially. Education debt today is about 1.2 trillion dollars. Its hard to even imagine what is equivalent to this number. For the new year beginning in july (according to loan rates will rise to 6.21 percent from 5.41 percent in 2013-2014. Congress last year agreed to cap education loan rates at 8.25 percent for undergrads, 9.25 percent for graduate loans and 10.5 percent for plus loans. How are young adults fresh out of college supposed to find a decent job with their degree, an apartment, and become a successful member of society with crippling debt. Many work part time jobs because finding jobs today is relatively impossible, but still these jobs will not make enough to pay off the bills. Students today are forced to look at the price tag of a college instead of going to a school where they will ultimately be successful. 

Slumdog Millionaire (Blog 7)

This week in humanities we started a film called Slumdog Milllionaire. This film is about a very poor man named Jamal, living in Mumbai, India, who goes on a game show to win 20 million rupees. Apparently, nobody has ever gotten past 16 million. How is Jamal doing so well? Jamal is accused of cheating and is tortured by police until he admits how he cheated. Throughout the movie Jamal has flashbacks and is trying to prove to the police that he did in fact not cheat, and how he knew the answers. Why did Jamal want all this money? Who knows, we still have to find out. The poverty represented in this movie of the families living in Mumbai is heartbreaking. Kids didn't have parents, they were running from place to place, dirty as can be,starving just looking for a place to live. The kids were tortured, and severely hurt so that they could beg on the street and people felt bad for them and their injuries  and gave them money. I think that ONE thing that I took from the movie so far, would be that people take things for granted all the time in this world and where we live. There are other places in the world where purple are struggling worse than we have ever even seen, heard of, or ever thought was even possible. We need to be very thankful for everything that we have, each and everyday.

Met Photos

The Old Market Woman,1st century C.E. 

Pipe Rack and Still life on a Table, Pablo Picasso, 1911

First Steps, Vincent Van Gogh, 1890

The Man (Blog #7)

The man in the black suit and alligator skin shoes, stood there. He waits for, something to happen. His dark skin beaded with sweat as the blazing sun weighed down its rays. I am waiting he thinks to himself. People avoid his menacing stature and swiftly turn away. But he's just waiting. Waiting on his doorstep for something. Suddenly the menacing giant turns is head and readies himself to speak. reaching into his pocket, he takes out an object. Click click. He then yells, "Mittens!" and emerging from the shadowy bushes struts over a black and white cat who lovingly brushes her head against his leg. He puts down the clicker and gives Mittens a treat for returning when he called her. His deep voice cooed sweetly at the young cat and he sat down on the stoop beside her. She soon joined him on his lap and they sat together staring at the swift river of bustling humans and cars.

He consoled the cat and beckoned her inside and shuts the door soon after. Mittens hops up onto the window sill and stared at the man walking against the sea of people who parted before him like the red sea once did.

Blog #7

     This political cartoon is expressing poverty in citizens and the government. The family is looking for help, money from the government. However Uncle Sam, representing the government is asking for help from the family. Uncle Sam can not help the family before helping himself. This is how the economy gets stuck in a depression. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Starvation due to poverty (blog 7)

According to the United Nations, about 21,000 people die every day due to hunger or hunger-related causes; one person every four seconds dies. Sadly, it is children who die most often. 

There is plenty of food in the world for everyone but the obstacle is that starving people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves and their families. They become weaker and often sick because they are constantly malnourished. This makes them even less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This vicious cycle causes them to go into a downward spiral. 

The painting above is created by the artist Luis Quiles. He's an artist who's paintings criticize the sad truths of our society. In this painting, it's irnonic how some people have a plethora of food and the rate of obesity is increasing, yet people are out their starving and dying. So this holiday season, please, don't be wasteful and appreciate your food. Think of the less fortune and extend a helpful hand. 

Racism Throughout the World

Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. For some reason some humans are unable to realize that we all belong to the same human race and share the same tendencies to fear, domination, and subjugation. For decades the world has been unable to embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of the various ethnic groups, and instead fear has taken over.
Today in Mrs. Murphy's English class, I took a racist test on The test was a series of questions and pictures. I had to match each picture I saw to categories such as Black or White person, or a harmless object or weapon. The test measures the amount of time it takes for you to place each picture in the category, how many you get wrong, and other factors to measure your racism. My results showed that I was slightly racist and that I identified weapons with Black people slightly more than with white people. I would like to believe that I am not racist at all, but this test proved to me that every human being is unconsciously racist to some degree, and it varies by culture and the views we were raised with.
Throughout the world racism is largely seen and beginning to hinder progress of multiple nations. In America, the cases of death in Ferguson and Staten Island have caused various problems throughout the government and towns, and has caused more people to be hurt. Surveyors have found that
Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet. Also, a global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan and India in the top five.
Racism: This map shows the nations of the world where people have the most and least tolerant attitudes

As you can see, this map shows how racism is still spreading and it needs to stop. We have to unite together as human beings and not separate ourselves by skin color and race.

Racism (Blog #7)

    In America, the recent deaths of innocent black men sparked up protests in New York City about Police Brutality and racism. Garner, a 43year old overweight street walker selling untaxed cigarettes, died from a chokehold by officer Daniel Pantaleo in New York on July 19. And Brown, age 18, shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson while walking down a backstreet in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9. African-Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population and 14% of the monthly drug users, but 37% of the people arrested for drug-related offenses in America. Also, in a 2009 report, 2/3 of the criminals receiving life sentences were non-whites. In New York, it is 83%. These numbers are shocking to me because most of the population is white. This shows that there is a corruption in our law enforcement. The US government has taken action. President Barack Obama Announced a $75 million plan to help police buy cameras for their uniforms to record interactions with citizens. This might help stop the corruption and racism with police interactions, but there still will be some racial discrimination between the people.

Smells Like School Spirit (Blog 7)

This week in ESM is holiday spirit week, a time in which students are encouraged to take part in activities that show holiday spirit.  These mostly include dressing in festive attire, in addition to the door decorating contest of the previous week.  On the first day titled "white-out" I saw many students as well as teachers participating in the activity.  Many people participate or don`t participate because they don't want to stand out, instead of understanding the true purpose of school spirit.  The phrase "school spirit" often has a positive connotation and represents a variety of emotions.  Promoting school spirit leads to cooperation and a sense of unity among peers.  By having events such as homecoming pep-rallies the administration unites the students and promotes a positive sense of working together to achieve a goal, whether it be a football game or a fun holiday season.

In addition, school spirit leads to school pride.  Promoting school spirit creates a sense of pride in the accomplishments of the school and in the work of whoever was involved.  School spirit can be described as a sense of belonging for those who have trouble fitting in and may create a school setting in which kids want to be a part of.  Having events such as holiday spirit week do all of these things and more.  By uniting students and making school more 'fun' it may lead to increased self esteems and participation in classes, which of course helps to further education.  In fact, studies such as this one show that school spirit can have many benefits in and out of the classroom, including the effects that school spirit and pride has on sports teams.  If you take anything from this post, just think back to this in the future if you are not feeling very spirited and remember all the positive effects that school spirit has on you, whether you like it or not.

The MET pictures

Racism in America

     America is a very racist society especially in the area we live in. In the ESM school district we're not exposed to many different races besides white. Therefore, we're a slightly racist area without even realizing. White Americans have been more privileged since the colonial era. Native Americans, African Americans, Asians, Latinos, etc. were segregated from the whites. When these ethnic groups immigrated to American they were not granted the same rights as the White Americans born here.
     Many White Americans claim to not be racist. They may start off a sentence with "I don't see color but..." or "Not to be racist but.." right before they start off a sentence that is racist. Most people are racist without even realizing. For example if two people went to an interview and their names were Brendan and Jamal, the person hiring is 50% more likely to call Brendan because Jamal is a black sounding name. The person hiring may not even realize they were being racially bias.
     During the whole Michael Brown v. Ferguson incident people refused to admit they were being racially bias. Even though they were protesting because Brown was found guilty, or they were mad that he was guilty. They were either on the cop's side or Brown's side because of race.



Marina Abramovic "Rhythm 0" 1974

Abramovic is a well known artist for her performance pieces, this piece captured my eye at first glance. It was primarily used as a trust excerise, she placed 72 objects infront of her that could be used in various ways and did not move her body for a total of 6 hours. At first the viewers used the props in peaceful and harmless ways but that quickly changed as time went on. She stated that "...I felt really violated: they cut my clothes, stuck rose thorns in my stomach, one aimed thegun at my head, and another took it away." An aggressive atmosphere was created but as soon as the 6 hours were up and she moved toward the public they fled from actual comfrontation.

This experiment displayed a horrid trait humanity has adapted. It proves how quickly and easily someone can dehumanize or harm someone else who cannot fight back. 

Blog #7

Most can agree that racism is a raging topic lately in the media. Racism is all based upon the way in which someone precieves another along with opinions and judgements on that individual due to their race or culture. In the Ferguson trial in reguards to Micheal Brown and the Eric Garner case, the police are being blamed and made out to be attacking the black race. However, just because these two cases happened to be white cops against blacks, the two did commit crimes with probable cause. In both cases, the white cops are being sterotyped as all cops are racist and dangerous. Meanwhile,  the entire occupation can not be labeled. The same sterotype goes for black people. Not all black people commit crime and violence. It all depends on the person and the situation. If someone commits a crime they should be handed the same verdict as every other criminal.  These two cases along with the Trevon Martin were blown up and examined because the excessive force used was disguisedas racism which is wrong and the two should be seperated.
This link below is a video of evidence to my point made that not all blacks are bad people. He is an African American who basically supports my statement that no matter your skin color, if you commit any type of crime you should pay for it. Along with that, he says the destruction of the city Ferguson, will be viewed as animal behavior because it is unnecessary and it is not racial profiling just because most people protesting are black. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Protesters out of control ( Blog # 7 )

                It seems as people forgot how to protest peacefully between the Ferguson case and Garner case the streets of Missouri and New York City are filled with protesters some peaceful but most are violent. The protesters are rioting about these two events which they believe had to do with racism. In Ferguson, Missouri in August an 18 year old boy with dark skin was shot 8 times by a white police officer because he was threatening the cop and resisting arrest.. In NYC in July a 43 year old dark skin man by the name of Eric Garner was put in a chokehold and slammed onto the sidewalk by a white cop for resisting arrest as he was selling cigarettes separately on the streets, he had said " i cant breathe" but police officer would not let go and the man had died. The grand juries for the two cases had announced the cops non guilty and that's when the protesting had gotten out of control. People were lighting buildings, shops, apartments, cars and even the american flag on fire. The protesters were so out of control in Missouri the cops had to come with tanks and begin to pepper spray, tear gas, and arrest the rioters before anything worse had happened. The protesting in Missouri is much worse then NYC and is continuing to happen each day. Everybody has their own opinions on the incidednts but i don't believe it had to do with race, i feel the cops had felt threatened and the protection of themselves and the people around them comes first. But i strongly do believe that racism exists all over the country and sadly it will most likely be that way forever.

                                                                   David Sherlock

Disconnected youths (blog #7)

      Poverty is a growing problem which is often more prominent in cities and urban areas. Especially in New York City, many children and young adults are living in poverty. The group of children or young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 has been under government and city attention recently. This group is called "disconnected youths" who are neither in school nor working. A report by the Community Service Society in 2005 estimated that nearly 170,000 youths in NYC fit this description. Many of these children do not have high school diplomas and it is very difficult for them to find jobs.
     A 2012 study by a criminologist a the University of Pennsylvania shows that helping these young people find jobs can be beneficial in decreasing crime in the community.  In the Summer of 2012, 1,634 students from a high crime and low income area in Chicago participated in this study. Half of the students were given a part time job for the summer, while the other half went about their lives normally. After the summer ended, there were 5.1 arrests for every 100 students who had summer jobs, and 9.1 for every 100 students who did not have summer jobs. The largest decreases in crime were long after the summer had ended. This shows that students learned skills like responsibility and increased their sense of positive contribution to the community. If we can work to increase opportunities for disconnected youths to find jobs, we can show these young people what they are capable of and increase their positive impact on the community.

Child poverty on LI and in ESM (Blog 7)

America isn't typically thought of for its poverty, mainly because of its high population of middle and upper class nation wide. In the Eastport South Manor community, countless people are in aware of the difficulties members of their community face daily. In ESM there is an especially high rate of higher income families. However, poverty on Long Island, may be higher than expected to those who aren't living it. In ESM  alone there is an outrageous 147 students that fall below the poverty line. For a community with such an outstanding amount of wealth and possibility to lend a helping hand, 147 is far too many. Yes, compared to other districts on LI  3.6%  isn't the worst possible, but any child in need is too many to be dealing, and suffering with adult problems. The link above shows the statistics of child poverty in LI schools  as of 2010.

Racism. Blog 7

Racism is a belief that will never go away, there is no 'decimating racism'. It will forever be present in the world because it is created and taught through personal experiences and the way one is brought up. Everyone is different in life and there is no such thing as being equal to another human. The numerous cases occurring today such as the Ferguson or Eric Garner incident is being spun into a "racism problem"; that the white cops purposely go after every black person to intentionally hurt them and bring them down. If these cases weren't white cop black man, there would be no publicity, no protests, no built up tension. What would be the reaction if this situation was a black cop and black man or black cop white man ? Nothing. Right. So don't you think that the people that think its racist are the ones who are turning it into a racism problem? These people that lash out at the police by disrespecting them and bring it upon themselves for getting into predicaments like these. Then the protesters blame everything on police brutality for doing their job and keeping the area safe by stopping them from violently protesting and harming the area. For example, authorities found a bag with numerous hammers and a black mask after a man assaulted two NYPD officers on the Brooklyn Bridge. Most of the protesters don't have a clue of all of the pieces to the crime such as the Eric Garner case. Do you think any of them know who the supervisor was? A black female NYPD sergeant. That's real racist and even sexist isn't it!  So please, keep protesting and ruining the cities you live in and disrespecting the higher authority even more and keep holding your signs saying, 'Black lives matter' and 'I can't breathe' it will get you real far in life!!

Blog 7: Racism

                    Many people in the world view Racism as a dead subject for several reasons; they may not want to look at it, they can't admit the cruelty of it to themselves, or they genuinely don't see it because of their protected environment. However, the truth is that Racism still exists, and it still plays a role in our society.

                  As statistics have shown in class, the majority of Manorville is white. I happen to live next to one of the only black families in the neighborhood, and our families are good friends. The other day, when me and my brother were walking to the bus stop, our neighbors walked up to us to wait for the bus as well. This was the day we all found out the results of the Ferguson Case. Immediately, the air around all of us got tense, but me and my brother were too tired to pay attention to anything. Suddenly, one of our friends asked us (so timidly) what we thought about the results of the Ferguson Case. I shrugged, I didn't hear anything about it; neither did my brother. After our friends told us the outcome and saw we were shocked, they began to act all normal again. But the point was they were scared, living in an all white community that some people share racist views. They would tell us stories about what would happen to them in Brooklyn, and yes, even Manorville. So due to my own experiences being best friends with Jamaicans, I know that racism still exists, and we live in one of the whitest communities in the world.

             Being racist is prejudging a person based on stereotypes about their race/culture. It's also a feeling of superiority, a feeling that you're better than someone. Racism is deplorable because prejudging someone is hurtful in so many ways. There's a stereotype that all black people love fried chicken and watermelon. Find me a white person who doesn't love fried chicken and watermelon. I'm pretty sure every single soul out there has an affection towards fried chicken and watermelon.

Tamir Rice: Blog Post 7

     Unfortunately, many people believe that racism is over and everyone is finally equal.  However, in reality, racism is alive and well and continues to have a huge affect on society today.

     One of the most prominent and most recent examples of racism is the case of Tamir Rice.  A 12 year old African American boy was shot and killed by police for playing with a toy gun in a park.  Although the person who called 911 said he was probably a minor and repeated two times that the gun was probably fake, this information was never told to the police officers.  However, within seconds of arriving, the police officers shot Tamir Rice and proceeded to handcuff his sister and threaten his mother.

     Although Tamir Rice was in the wrong by aiming his toy gun at people and removing the orange tip that indicated it was a toy, one must still consider how race affects this case.  If a white boy was playing with a toy gun in a park, would he be killed?  Would anyone even call the police?  White boys play with toy guns all the time, yet they are not shot.  Their sisters are not handcuffed, and their mothers are not threatened with arrest.  White adults go hunting with real guns, but they are not killed by police.  Although it is true that some cases attempt to use the "racism" card, this is not one of those cases.  This case just one example of the racism, brutality, and prejudice that African Americans are forced to live with every single day of their lives.  And far too many of those lives are tragically cut short due to racism.

Source: CNN
Becky Reals

Poverty Rates in New York City (7)

Almost Half of the New York City population is living in either poverty or near poverty conditions. Despite the rising employment rates, this problem has particularly hit minority groups the hardest. The most severely impacted group is the city's Asian population, which has surpassed Hispanics as the poorest group living in New York City.

A new study conducted by the Center for Economic Opportunity revealed many new statistics about poverty rates and the cities ethnicities that have changed in the past 4 years.This study revealed that 45.6 percent of New Yorkers are barely making ends meet, even with more adults working full-time since the recession. A combination of low wages, rising rents, a lack of benefits, and a severe language barrier for many minorities is largely to blame.

The annual study also showed shifts within racial/ethnic demographics. As the report reveals, the poverty rate of Asians and Hispanics was practically identical in 2008, at 22.4 percent and 23.5 percent. But by 2012, the rate surged to 29 percent for Asians, more than 3 percent higher than Hispanics.
The data paints an image of the city's Asian population and specifically non-English speaking members in the Asian immigrant community, many of whom struggle to gain access to basic government-funded programs that aim to provide economic relief. More than half of the city's Asian community lives in Queens, the racially diverse borough experienced the highest jump in poverty in the city from 2008 to 2012.

One of the greatest reasons behind these startling statistics is the language barrier experienced by the minorities of the city. Asians and Hispanics that learn our native language would have less trouble finding a job or even applying for government aid. So a simple solution could be that they learn the English Language, while living in a country that the native language is English. That being said, could that statement be seen as racist? Do we, as americans, believe that if someone enters our country they must learn our language? We may not be flat out saying it but clearly it is implied. By not learning our language these people are suffering, they cant find jobs and they struggle to apply for basic financial aid. Being seen as the greatest country in the world, and New York being seen as one of the greatest cities with the most opportunity(and one of the most diverse), is this how we want to be portrayed? That if you do not learn the native language, you simply can not be successful in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world.

Source: huffingtonpost


The world is full of differences. through looks, personalities, abilities, and cultures.There are athletes, artists, white people,black people. tall people, smart people, nobody is the same. Equal means "the same", therefore nobody is equal and nobody will ever be equal it is an impossibility. Such fantasy ideas and concepts only exist in fiction books. For example in a short story "Harrison Burgeron" handicaps are placed upon people to reduce their talents, attractive people are given handicaps forcing ugliness, mocking the idea of equality. Along with the uncontrollable features given to a person come the uncontrollable and completely natural instinct of the human to like those similar to them, the concept of preference. This does not mean hate and discrimination towards groups that are different simply a preference. Humans also have the ability infer things, a trait that has aided in the survival of humans for many years. For example ; usually when i study for a test i do well therefore I expect good grades after studying. This will not happen all of the time but most of the time it will. Another example,many people that do drugs commit crimes, i can assume if someone is on drugs they may have committed a crime at one point or another. Many African Americans live in poor areas with high amounts of crime, therefore many blacks are the ones committing crimes. So when an experienced police officer who knows what to look for and what is suspicious makes an inference based off past experience and facts what is wrong with this?
      Many people blame there frustrations on racism. Racism is used as an excuse. Black people commit crimes because the world is racist? White people who have black friends and have no hate against another race are accused of being racist because black people struggle in high crime areas? This concept is a joke. How can someone who has never met these struggling people be  accused of being racist to them when they have no hate towards their race? I am not saying that black people struggling in high crime areas is not a problem or that it should be accepted and ignored. What i am saying id that this problem has nothing to do with racism. Racism is extreme hate towards another race, although it exists it is not common among Americans today. How can people be racist towards black people in high crime struggling areas when many idolize the ones who make it out of the struggles as professional athletes???? The real problem that should be discussed is lack of effort by many. The old saying of "what can i do for my country" and turned into what can my country do for me. Stop blaming racism and trying to create a world of total equality, as a country we should invest our time in discussing the real problems of the world.

Protesters flood California highway, throw rocks, bottles at officers (blog 7)

      Over the past few weeks protests have been getting out of hand because of the Eric Garner and the Michael Brown court case decisions to not indict either one of the corresponding officers. Recently, there has been an incident in California where a large group of people flooded a highway and attacked responding police officers with throwing explosives, bottles, rocks and glass at them. In much needed retaliation the officers threw gas and arrested 8 protestors. This is not just a problem in big cities, it has been reported that students attending Berkeley University were found to be throwing rocks and glass at police officers and vandalizing police cars by jumping on the hood. Other protestors have looted and vandalized many businesses in the city of Berkeley, while doing so 2 officers have suffered minor injuries and 5 people have been arrested. Protests have also been occurring in New York City. In Penn Station people were found to be singing “justice carols” about the death of Eric Garner. Another peaceful protest going on was the “die-ins” in toys-r-us where people would lie on the floor en masse. "What's happening in these cities in these last several days is incredibly important to show we have a unified voice," said Judi Flournoy, who was participating in a New York protest. Although many of these protests have been about racism with cops, many of the protestors are not black. Garner's daughter Erica said she was deeply moved by the diversity of protesters who have demonstrated across the country. "This is not a black-and-white issue. This is a national crisis," Erica Garner said. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has announced a federal civil rights investigation into Garner's death.

      I believe that many of these protests have gotten out of hand.  I am a fan of the peaceful protests going on in New York City, but the protests and attacks happening in California are unacceptable. I feel that if you are trying to prove a point to the government that something is wrong with the way cops are punished by doing the wrong thing in these kinds of situations then violent protests are not the way to go. It proves nothing and only causes harm to the area in which these people live and shop every day. If people really want to send a message to the government that’s ok, but violence is not the answer. I think that the peaceful protests are more powerful than the violent ones because if police are not able to break up or put an end to the peaceful ones then the message can be more clearly stated to the rest of the world. Hopefully the effects of these protests will be spread around the entire country and there can be a change in the way cops must do certain procedures.