Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Blog #10
Our generation has truly changed the meaning of relationships and I blame social media for this change. I feel as though girls blame men but we are both to blame. People have caused such stress over high expectations that are so unreasonable. Relationships with such a high level of stress are not healthy in order for relationships to even last. Times use to be so much simpler, for example when my mom was a teenager. She never worried who's best friends were on snapchat and how she couldn't trust people because of what they do behind on their phones. High expectations have always been around for relationships but the use of social media has just caused a lack of trust, which brings out the worst in people. It is scary to think that so many young people in this generation truthfully feel as though they will never marry because already they have seen he worst in the people they love and are scared to ever love someone the same. Nothing is ever permanent and people feel as the things that happen now as we are young will define their future. I wish that many would see past these young ages with social media and learn that as you grow older, love is uncontrollable. It is weird to see how much people have changed their thoughts on marriage and relationships because we have lost trust in humanity.
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Hey han!!!! I have to say I totally agree with this blog. Social media is becoming such a problem in today's society especially when it comes to relationships and I honestly think it will start taking over in the future. You can already see this happening with the movie "Her" that takes place in the future. The main character in the movie by the name of theo has completely fallen inlove with this program on his computer. In order to be in a relationship, you need two very important things, Love(obviously) and trust. Things such as twitter Instagram and snapchat make these two things hard to have in a relationship. Twitter is a great example of this. I go on twitter everyday and see 500 different "relationship goals". For those of you who actually read these comments and don't know what those are (mrs Cassidy) "relationship goals" are pretty self explanatory.They are simply just pictures of unrealistic relationship "goals" that all girls get jealous of and retweet and expect to find someone who will do what is done in those pictures. This makes girls expectations so high and in my opinion kind of takes the cuteness and thoughtfulness out of the kind things that guys actually do do for their loved ones because you know they didn't think of the idea themselves. Also, nowadays everybody posts everything. It used to be that you don't know anything until you see the people and they actually tell you themselves but now with twitter Instagram and Facebook I know almost everything about 20 relationships of people that I don't know or care about!! The one thing that I absolutely hate that many people do on social media is express their feelings online. So many times in relationships during a fight one will tweet something directed towards the other and then it will create an even bigger unnecessary fight. The ideal thing to do in this situation is to drive over to their house and talk things out like human beings. But instead we think it's a better idea to tweet mean things and fight over text. And then on top of that to get back at them, like another girls picture on Instagram. It honestly is so sad that this is our generation and very scary to think about the future of relationships with all of this new technology coming out as fast as it is. I just hope that 50 years from now love is still such an important thing because I truly believe that love is the meaning of life. -Kelly Gomez