Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Monday, March 23, 2015

blog 11

Many different social issues were presented in the rotunda projects that were rather interesting. One in particular seemed to be of great importance and an issue that effects the lives of teens and adults nation wide. Some of the issues discussed may differ based on demographics how however this one issue remains constant no matter where one lives. This project spoke about the issues regarding texting and driving. This problem seems to be most prominent for teens as we have grown so dependent on our cell phones.

Many teens struggle to put there phone down even if just asked to do so for a 40 minute class period. With a social life, and the major form of communication being through text, a major distraction is created for drivers. This can lead to crashes, deaths, and injuries. Texting and driving is now against the law, rightfully so. I personally have many friends who text and drive on the daily. It has become a natural habbit. Although one may feel they can multi task, the human brain is scientifically proven to only be able to focus on one task at a time. The combination of composing a text, trying to focus on the road and often the background noise of friends or music creates a dangerous scenario. Music is often played from the phone while in the car. Changing music requires attention off the road and down onto the phone. This is very similar to texting and can have the same effects. Teens especially find themselves at risk as they are inexperienced drivers and may feel invisible Once feeling comfortable behind the wheel, usual precautions are let go and bad habits are formed. . This is a topic that seriously needs to be addressed and recognized as wrong. To many teens blow it off and think it wont happen to me. This is the wrong approach. One idea to fix this is talking about it in school or turning phones on airplane mode while driving to hinder the temptation.  

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