Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Sunday, March 22, 2015

blog post 11

     Throughout High School students have learned many helpful information in each of the classes they take, for example learning how to perform CPR in gym class or even learning how to write a business letter. But other times it is required of us to learn information that may or may not be as helpful to us in the future, for example solving derivatives and anti-derivatives in calculus. In high School teachers and staff tell the students that they are helping us prepare for the future but there are many things we still do not know, and should have been taught to us. 
     Combining both the projects Kristen, Maddie, and Alyssa's group did with Anthony DeFeo's project these both discussed the lack of awareness to our future issues. Many students don't know or care about healthcare and will eventually need it as they grow up. In Anthony's video students said they much rather learn about healthcare in high school than experience it on their own for the first time. In Kristen, Maddie, and Alyssa's video they asked students what they would like to have learned in high school, some of those answer were how to balance check books, banking systems, and other things we should know how to do in the future. 
    I completely agree with both of their opinions. It is definitely important for students to learn things that will benefit them in the future. Some people still don't know how to do laundry, or know how to cook simple meal. High school should not only provide us with the education we need to learn to graduate but also prepare us for the future.

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