Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog- sexism

      Despite the many steps toward equality that have been made in the past few decades, Sexism is still a prominent issue in society today. Not only is there a significant gap in the annual salary of male workers compared to women workers of the same field, but there are pervasive attitudes about women and men that are pervasive throughout society. Such as the idea that men are physically superior to women, or that women are generally smarter, both academically and socially. These are not true in full, however ideas such as this are not entirely founded on lies. The average height of a man in the United states is roughly 5 feet 9 inches, where as the average height of a woman is roughly 5 feet 4 inches( McDowell, Margaret A. et al.(October 22, 2008). hi Obviously height alone does not determine physical prowess, however it does give some insight as to why it is generally assumed men, as a whole in this nation, are deemed physically superior to women, as a whole, in this nation. It does not mean that every man is stronger than every woman, that would be ridiculous, however it does mean that your average man, if you took all the men in the country and created the most average man you possibly could, would be physically dominant to an average woman found in the same manor. Many take that generalization the wrong way, believing that men think that any man is better than any woman, when in truth that is far from the case. I'm an athletic guy, I can say that, however there are thousands and thousands of women in the country that are clearly physically superior to someone such as myself, and I, as a reasonable human being, know and accept that fact. However, and average female highschool athlete, compared to me, an average male highschool athlete, would likely possess less strength than myself. One cannot simply compare the best of one sex to the worst of another, which happens quite often. I've heard women say," Yea well a woman UFC fighter would beat you up!" Well of course she would, that's obvious. No, in order to get an accurate view of male and female physical qualities you must compare the physical parallels between the sexes. A female UFC fighter to a male UFC fighter, an average woman to an average man. That is where you will find the truth in that specific "sexist argument". Unfortunately sexism will always exist, just as racism will, because it is human nature to recognize the differences in other humans, specifically between male and female.

PS- I hear a lot about the movement for "full equality" between genders but I can say that it will never happen, ever. Men and women are different, and are treated different. Even if that goal is "achieved" in the workplace, the pay gap lessens or even vanishes completely, socially there will always be generalizations and differences of opinion, which will lead to disputes, which will be labeled as sexism. Also, I will personally side with the "women are basically fully equal" when women are forced to sign up for the draft at 18 just as men are. That's my line to cross, when that happens I'll accept it, but until then, having it be that only men are forced to sign up for the draft shows that this country, in times of great need, will look to the protection of men, not women, therefore showing this countries belief that men are "dominant"(in "" because it's not my feelings/words, but those of a general popular, yet debatable, opinion).


  1. I find it interesting that you draw comparisons between racism and sexism in modern society. I do agree, that as reasonable people we can accept the fact that sexism is wrong and that work towards change is a motivating goal. We are also reasonable enough to be aware that achieving this goal is unlikely, and that a day of full equality among men and women may never happen.
    You bring up a great point with the military draft, one that I have never thought of myself. I believe absolutely that as long as the draft is part of our country, both men and women should be part of the enlistment. I don't totally follow you on the whole physicality part. Yes, statistically men stand at a taller stature than do women, but are not always at a higher physical advantage muscularly, or in fitness. As time advances, women are starting to see more of a fair playing field in the job market. Women are realizing that they can perform job tasks at the same capability as men and should not let their wages suffer based on their sex.
    Sexism is definitely an issue in this country and far worse in other areas around the world. Unfortunately though it is hard to see a time in the future where men and women are synonymous on a social level. There are certainly some improvements that can be made but complete egalitarianism among the sexes is too ideal to take effect in America anytime soon.

  2. Yes men were the ones beckoned to war in times of need but so were women. They might not have done the front line fighting or man to man combat but they worked behind the scenes to help better the country during its hardships. Who were the ones to take care of wounded soldiers or bring food and water to those in need? I don't see men offering up their hand to those sort of duties. Women still risked their lives out there doing as much as they can even though they were not physically fighting. I can't argue that men dominantly were looked too and are still to protect us in war but women play their part as well. A job that is not as easy as it seems.
