The world is full of differences. through looks, personalities, abilities, and cultures.There are athletes, artists, white people,black people. tall people, smart people, nobody is the same. Equal means "the same", therefore nobody is equal and nobody will ever be equal it is an impossibility. Such fantasy ideas and concepts only exist in fiction books. For example in a short story "Harrison Burgeron" handicaps are placed upon people to reduce their talents, attractive people are given handicaps forcing ugliness, mocking the idea of equality. Along with the uncontrollable features given to a person come the uncontrollable and completely natural instinct of the human to like those similar to them, the concept of preference. This does not mean hate and discrimination towards groups that are different simply a preference. Humans also have the ability infer things, a trait that has aided in the survival of humans for many years. For example ; usually when i study for a test i do well therefore I expect good grades after studying. This will not happen all of the time but most of the time it will. Another example,many people that do drugs commit crimes, i can assume if someone is on drugs they may have committed a crime at one point or another. Many African Americans live in poor areas with high amounts of crime, therefore many blacks are the ones committing crimes. So when an experienced police officer who knows what to look for and what is suspicious makes an inference based off past experience and facts what is wrong with this?
Many people blame there frustrations on racism. Racism is used as an excuse. Black people commit crimes because the world is racist? White people who have black friends and have no hate against another race are accused of being racist because black people struggle in high crime areas? This concept is a joke. How can someone who has never met these struggling people be accused of being racist to them when they have no hate towards their race? I am not saying that black people struggling in high crime areas is not a problem or that it should be accepted and ignored. What i am saying id that this problem has nothing to do with racism. Racism is extreme hate towards another race, although it exists it is not common among Americans today. How can people be racist towards black people in high crime struggling areas when many idolize the ones who make it out of the struggles as professional athletes???? The real problem that should be discussed is lack of effort by many. The old saying of "what can i do for my country" and turned into what can my country do for me. Stop blaming racism and trying to create a world of total equality, as a country we should invest our time in discussing the real problems of the world.
That JFK quote is really interesting when used in this context, Danny. And absolutely, we should try to discuss and solve the real problems of the world. Let's hope that one day soon racism will not be one of them.