The Pakistan taliban is a group who have conducted numerous attacks against the pakistani government , they were quick to claim the attack on a military run school. The attack killed at least 145, a majority being students. The Taliban are opposed to western equation and said it was revenge for the killing of hundreds of innocent tribesmen and their children during a recent offensive by the Pakistani military. School shootings no matter where they are hit home because of americas unfortunate past with them. It is unsettling how many occur each year. It is a tragedy that these innocent Pakistani children were murdered over something government related, the worst part is the terror group will not stop there. It is sickening how they are proud to claim these murders. Why are children now being brought into the cruelties of war when they are mostly too young to even know what is going on. This is also the same group that admitted to shooting teenage girl Malala Yousafzai, a young female human rights advocator for going to school when it was at time banned in her town and for also posting blog posts speaking out against the Taliban. I believe that this organization does not have any limits and need to be stopped before they take any more innocent lives.
Yes, school shootings are deplorable and sickening, no matter where they occur. What is it that makes some people want to prey on the small and weak?