Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Child poverty on LI and in ESM (Blog 7)

America isn't typically thought of for its poverty, mainly because of its high population of middle and upper class nation wide. In the Eastport South Manor community, countless people are in aware of the difficulties members of their community face daily. In ESM there is an especially high rate of higher income families. However, poverty on Long Island, may be higher than expected to those who aren't living it. In ESM  alone there is an outrageous 147 students that fall below the poverty line. For a community with such an outstanding amount of wealth and possibility to lend a helping hand, 147 is far too many. Yes, compared to other districts on LI  3.6%  isn't the worst possible, but any child in need is too many to be dealing, and suffering with adult problems. The link above shows the statistics of child poverty in LI schools  as of 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Hannah! Thanks for bringing our attention to this.
