Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

blog 9

in class we had to interpret a quote that was " do not wait to strike the iron till its hot, make it hot by striking it" and i personally love this quote.  America wasn't made on backpacking other peoples ideas.  It was made from ingenuity and creativeness.  If you have an idea go after it.  If theres something you want to due pursue it with everything you have.  Its the people who are willing to go that extra mile and put in that extra effort that are going to be great.  Eric Thomas once said "As soon as you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you be successful" and this couldn't correlate better with this quote. Nothing in life will be handed to you and I think this is what our generation is confused about.  Yes our parents help us now but whats going to happen when they're gone who's going to help us then.  Kids now get caught up in the idea of life being so easy and that they're never going to have to work.  Well when the real world comes they're going to have a lot of problems and as a generation we really need to change enough of all this praying dumb actions and putting down intelligence.  We should be  thankful that we have intelligent people in our generation because they'll be the ones we rely on when we get older.  So we need to make our generation great and were not going to be able to do that just sitting around we need to get out there and seize the opportunities and in the words of the truly amazing Robin Williams "Carpe Diem".

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