Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, The Taking of Christ, 1602

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog 3


     Well, the other day we had a conversation about racism and the idea was put out there that there can be a "permanent end to racism". I argued that point in class and I will continue to do so here. The very idea or thought that it would ever be possible to control the thoughts of every person in the nation, to somehow have them go against their nature as human beings, is preposterous. It is human nature to recognize and analyze the differences in other human beings, and as such, each persons analysis of other human beings will be unique and different from other perspectives. To put forth the idea that one could have every opinion coincide in the same light, that people are people, no matter their race, is, although nice, idealist and impossible. People think how they want to think, there is no way to alter it, people have different tastes, there is no way to change that, people are unique, there is no reason to take that away. For those who argue that "god made us all human" and that we are all the same on the inside, why would god create each person unique if he simply wanted us to ignore those differences and see eachother as the same? It's irrational. For those who wish to use human nature as a reasoning and completely ignore any religious implications of the subject of racism, such as myself,  how can one attempt to ignore human nature? Anyone who states that when they look at another human being all they see is "another human being" is omitting critical steps of the process of human analysis. The very first thing you will recognize is the fact that what you are looking at is a human being, that much is true, however what you must consider is that the next step is to recognize the differences between yourself and the other human being, you recognize their features and differences from yourself and this is where potential "racism" comes into play. For after recognizing said differences you will subconsciously formulate your opinion of the other human, whether or not they pertain to your personal tastes, whether or not you are comfortable in their presence, whether it not you feel any physical attraction the them, whether you feel any dislike towards their outward appearance. All these things and SO many more contribute to the basis for what many call racism.
     How can these factors be ignored when saying that racism can end? It is an idealist, ignorant, and naive assumption of human nature to believe that racism can ever end. Although it can of course be downplayed and frowned upon and may become very unpopular, one can never hope to fully eliminate it, for there will always be people who hate for the sake of hate, and who are unwilling to accept change and acceptance of others. There will always be bad people in the world, and we just have to accept that fact.

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